Thursday, August 26, 2010

The "Or" Chronicles

I had an ah-ha moment during a recent professional seminar.  It was based on Emergenetics concepts, one of those personality testing methods that examines how people think and wraps up your psyche with a bow.  While we did not take the full test, there were exercises to help determine your "thinking type."  No shock that I received the Conceptual label, defined as being creative but not overly organized.  Not the ah-ha moment.

My "oh my God, that's ME" epiphany came when the speaker talked about how different thinkers handle decision making.  Analytics make charts (which means I MUST have a tad of that working, I love me some lists!), etc, etc.  Conceptual thinkers, us poor saps, we are burdened by the ability to visualize 1,000 different outcomes, our creative little wheels unable to stop turning, we just keep saying, "What about.......?"  followed by "Or..."

Which is awesome, at first.  However, it can make decision making nearly impossible.  When this conceptual conundrum was explained, I laughed out loud.  How could this stranger see inside my head??  The speaker went on to say the solution is to turn to the structurally minded people in your life and ask them to help you pull the trigger.  Luckily, I'm marrying one of those.   

Wait, this story DOES relate to the wedding, really.  Because at no time has my "Or Syndrome" been more paralyzing than now.  I just bought my 4th pair of wedding shoes after looking at probably hundreds.  I built five websites.  I have six different versions of the menu.  (Di-- I'm counting on you, corn salad or Mediterranean potato salad?  Only you can stop the madness!).  I have yet to decide on vows, a reading or recessional song, for a wedding that is 16 days away.  I wake up screaming, "Or we could..." in the middle of the night.  At least the pending deadline will force some decisions.  That and the begging from poor Mr. "Can We Please Check This Off the List?"   It looks like opposites do attract-- thank goodness for me!

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