Freecylce is the best thing since Craigslist. For those not in the know, it is a community of people GIVING STUFF AWAY to each other, with a goal of keeping useable items out of the landfill. Users are expected to give as much as they get, creating a circle of found treasures and sharing.
Of course, there is a catch. You can't be picky. If somebody lists "box of wedding" stuff, you take the box. No leaving the ribbon you don't like on their porch while skipping away with the goodies. You take it all, freecycle what you don't need and the circle rolls on.
Needless to say, I've been much more interested in Freecycle these last few months. A recent box I picked up came with quite a few useful items, including unused wedding bubbles and iron-ons like "Team Bride" and "Ring Security" (we are making t-shirts for the kids & guys to wear under their shirts for when they are ready to de-formalize). And magnets. More than 20. With their wedding announcements on them. what? Now...magnet projects for the kids to keep them amused during the reception, that's what! A hot glue gun and a few sheets of sturdy stationary later, these babies will be ready for the kids to turn into custom art pieces at a craft table set up in the trees. Of course, their medium will be color pencils. No markers, paint or meltable crayons allowed at the wedding. Would like the art to stay on the paper and off my dress, thank you very much. ;-)
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ReplyDeleteand the kids can peel potatoes, and mop floors, and set tables, and lots of other things ;)